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RoboJob organises the second edition of the Automation Team Day Benelux



Steven Craenen

Published on

May 2, 2023

RoboJob remains committed to a good working concept: after organising an Automation Team Day in Benelux for the first time last year, the success formula will be repeated this year on Thursday 1 June 2023. Previously, RoboJob also organised some editions at its Technology Centre in Germany.

The 'Automation Team Day' concept was first adopted in Germany, where RoboJob organised an Open House by that name for the first time in October 2020 at its technology centre in Lehrensteinsfeld, while requisite COVID-19 measures were in place at the time. Since then, several more editions followed in Germany, and last year also in the Benelux.

As the name suggests, RoboJob is not organising this event alone. Last year, SCHUNK and Hainbuch collaborated to organise the first edition in the Benelux. SCHUNK will once again be present this year, alongside Spantech Opspansystemen BV, which is the distributor of HWR Spanntechnik, with whom RoboJob recently developed a new concept.

"The intention of this day is to introduce our customers to new possibilities for the automation of their turning or milling machines," says CEO Helmut De Roovere. “In the process, we will not only look at our own solutions, but SCHUNK and Spantech Opspansystemen will also give demonstrations of their own innovations, in combination with our robot applications. We will be demonstrating automatic loading and unloading of HWR clamps on our Mill-Assist, for example. We will also show new possibilities at the Tower with Rapido and BWA systems from SCHUNK, as well as several other solutions, such as our Turn-Assist and also Coby CNC. By organising this event together with these partners, visitors will get a complete picture of everything involved in the automation of a CNC machine!"

"Apart from the demonstrations, there will of course also be time for an informal chat with the organisers and other participating companies," explains Bart Vercruysse, Area Sales Manager. “We will also provide a warm welcome with a hot cup of coffee, a fresh glass of wine, beer or soft drink, as well as a nice lunch or dinner," adds his colleague, Nick Raes.

The Automation Team Day will be held on Thursday, 1 June 2023, at RoboJob's headquarters in Heist-op-den-Berg. Everyone is welcome, but registration is mandatory. Anyone who is interested can register for a morning, afternoon or evening session. You can find more information on the website

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