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Throwback TechniShow 2012

What was a small Belgian CNC automation company doing at Fanuc's booth at TechniShow in 2012?


What was a small Belgian CNC automation company doing at Fanuc's booth at TechniShow in 2012?

As we moved into our new headquarters, we stumbled upon some boxes with old memories. Take a look at this old gem from our two founders Helmut De Roovere (on the left) and Luc De Ceuster (on the right) from March 2012. Our CTO Luc gladly tells us what it's about.

"This picture was taken in 2012 at Technishow. It was still early days for CNC Automation back then. And we not only had to convice CNC experts of CNC automation, we also had to convince them to consider this for small and medium-sized batches. It's true: we were the first to claim that segment.

Because those series were hard to automate: you'd need to be able to program the robot in under 5 minutes, otherwise it wouldn't be profitable to automate a batch cycle of only 30 minutes.

That was already a challenge, but we also had to show that every CNC operator could do this, so they wouldn't need the help of expensive experts for those small batches.

So we rose to the challenge, and grabbed nearly every visitor by the collar to program our robot themselves. The disbelief was immense. You should have seen those faces when they not only saw that it was possible to program a robot in a few minutes, but also that they could do it themselves. Jaws were on the floor. Human jaws, that was. (laughs).

Those demos were intensive, and it took a lot of preparation to get those 4 RoboJob systems up and running in only a short week. We needed four of our technical colleagues to give the live demos, and our colleagues from Sales to talk to the booth visitors. And that was actually nearly our entire team already, as we were that small in 2012. (laughs)

It was a huge adventure because back then we were only a small Belgian company selling a pioneer solution, yet it was Fanuc -the world's largest robot supplier- who invited us to their booth at TechniShow. That was unseen, and we were incredibly proud for that opportunity.

These four days really are a milestone in the history of RoboJob."

Throwback TechniShow 2012