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We use a teach pendant, so you don't have to code


We use a teach pendant, so you don't have to code

Remember those coding headaches that you had with another solution when running OP10 and OP20? We do too. Luckily we can say goodbye to them.

Because no one was building them, we created the first purpose-built CNC machine-tending robot more than 15 years ago.

Every day since then, we've worked hard to make the complex simple, fast, and easy. When we started, every job needed coding. 🤒 Add a new part dimensions? More code. 🤕 Running OP10 and OP20? Grab a ☕️ a bucket full of code, and the pendant!

Of course, you could just batch-production, but that requires more code and more time too. Nobody wants that! Seems like every little thing needed more code - because it did!

Although we got really good at code, we knew that wasn't the answer. We knew that our customers wouldn't have the time or the capacity to have someone learn to code.

We knew we didn't want our customers to restrict their hiring profiles or have to train someone from the ground up every time they had turnover or expanded.

We were working to make this more convenient and less expensive, not the opposite.

So we made operating the robot incredibly simple, fast, and easy. 😎
Some nights my TV remote seems more complicated than running our robot. Enter raw and finished part dimensions, the material, and the piece count. Select the optimal air blowout pattern. Load the parts table, press the green button and leave.

You can walk away, never thinking about those coding headaches that you might have had with another solution. After all, we use this, so you don't have to! 🏆

After all, you've got more important things to think about - like running your machine shop.