Launch of the Pallet-Load Integrated: a new standard
Launch of the Pallet-Load Integrated: a new standard
Chances are you already read it: at RoboJob, we are launching not one but two new products this year. Today, we are introducing the Pallet-Load Integrated to the general public, marking an important step towards standardisation.
The Pallet-Load Integrated responds perfectly to the growing demand for automatic loading of heavier workpieces. You will recognise it by its unique integrated chassis. In this way, we make the process easier, future-proof and scalable.
Until now, for the pallet-load series we installed everything separately such as robot base, fencing, HMI etc., but with the Pallet-Load Integrated everything is on one frame. So we fly through the preparation and install faster than before.
In short, our new Pallet-Load Integrated is a future-proof solution ready for growth.
On the roadmap
In the coming months, we will release a number of features, all of which will be indispensable in the factory of the future. Just think of integrations with mobile robots or the vision technology option for detecting and independently picking up disordered workpieces.
An integrated automation solution that can also be integrated with other processes in your production: that is what it is all about.
Thus, we help build the new standard in the world of CNC automation and our Pallet-Load Integrated offers a platform to grow along with your business. One to keep an eye on!