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What does automation mean for my shop floor?


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Jul 19, 2022

Fast reaction to fluctuations in the market, smaller warehouse stocks, more spindle hours. Discover the many advantages of CNC automation for your workshop.

Fast reaction to fluctuations in the market

Do you urgently need to finish turning or milling parts? Do quiet periods quickly turn into very busy periods? CNC automation provides you with an efficient buffer to capture sudden fluctuations, without having to work for long days or weekends. With the push of a button, you can make your robot complete these urgent tasks.

You may recognize the situation: just before closing off, you receive a late order. You get asked the question whether these turning or milling pieces can be finished by tomorrow. You can already guess what will happen: you will have to work late, or you need to ask your CNC operators to work overtime. And yet, there is another solution.

CNC automation allows your robot to complete these urgent tasks. Your robot can work through the night, getting your order ready by morning. Meanwhile, you and your colleagues can enjoy a relaxing evening, and you do not have to work overtime.

Smaller warehouse stocks

Again the same scenario: a last-minute urgent order. Due to a large stock this would not be a problem; the pieces are ready. But that large stock also has major drawbacks. Stocks cost money and space, so you want to keep them as small as possible.

Can you save on stocks of turning or milling parts, without sacrificing delivery time? Certainly, through CNC automation. You guessed it: the robot can just make the urgent pieces overnight and they will be ready in the morning. You no longer have to stock up, and can therefore save costs there too.

More spindle hours

How do you increase the number of spindle hours of your CNC machines without having to employ more operators? Thanks to automation, you can now run your CNC machines without an operator. You can do so during the day, but also at night or during the weekend. That way you increase the number of spindle hours of your lathe or milling machine, and you will better utilize the capacity of your machine park.

During the day, your operators can still produce single pieces, and with your robot you will add a virtual shift! In addition, your robot can be deployed by day, night and weekend. Even during holiday periods, your robot can continue to work.

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