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Three good reasons for CNC experts to (continue to) attend trade fairs


Bart Vercruysse

Published on

Apr 18, 2024

Trade shows are attracting more visitors again, and our CNC experts see three good reasons for this. And no: a nice goodie bag is not one of them.

1. Keeping up with innovation

Our panel of CNC experts is unanimous on this poll. If you ask them why they go to a trade fair, it is for the innovation. As many as 76% of our respondents chose this option. We fully understand this, as exhibitors often save their firsts until the next trade fair. There they can demonstrate their new functionality or product in person, and suddenly get direct feedback from their target audience. Win-win!

Trade fairs cleverly capitalise on this by presenting innovation awards. Such an award is a useful incentive for exhibitors to bring their latest products to every edition, thus demonstrating their ability to respond to trends in the manufacturing industry. And innovation is precisely what drives our sector.

2. Networking

The second good reason for our CNC experts to go to a trade fair is to maintain and broaden their network. While our robots are helpful to operators, they are not really talkative. That's something 17% of our test panel would like to make up for at trade shows. And they are right.

We have a lot of customers who make such a trade fair a team-building event for the whole company. And let's face it: what could be more fun than getting some fresh air at the trade fair and having a chat in a restaurant with a nice snack and drink?

3. Easily compare alternatives

For 7% of our test panel, their motivation is to be able to easily compare different alternatives. In the manufacturing industry, you often have to drive around for hours to see a system, and add to that several hundred kilometres if that robot still has to be on the right machine brand. At the trade fair, all those systems come together so you can easily compare them in just a few hours.

Trade fairs therefore have a high ROI, and what's more, you can usually get in for free. However, that does not include parking or a sandwich, as these traditionally cost you a pretty penny.

Thanks everyone for voting!


This is the fourth blog in the series Go to the Polls.

Blog 1: The most important difference between a robot and a cobot
Blog 2: This is the favorite event type from CNC experts
Blog 3: CNC-experts prefer this measuring method for their automated manufacturing process
Blog 4: Three good reasons for CNC experts to (continue to) attend trade fairs

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