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This is the favorite event type from CNC experts



Nick Raes

Published on

Feb 5, 2024

A CNC expert's favorite type of event is an Open House. That's what our panel of experts decided during our second poll on Linkedin. Open Houses won with 48% of the votes. Second place is for Tradeshows (24%), third for Private Demo (16%) and last place goes to Workshop with 12% of the votes.

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1. Open House

Also in the fast-changing world of Computer Numerical Control (CNC), staying ahead is a challenge. Open Houses are the ideal event type for that, according to our respondents.

They definitely have a great preference, as Open Houses are our main preference as well. On the one hand, these events are smaller, so as an organizer you have no choice but to be selective in your guests. On the other hand, Open Houses are large enough to guarantee a decent set-up of CNC machines and accessories.

Finally, the atmosphere is friendly and personal, making it easy to get talking. This conversation is also much more pleasant without the noise of thousands of other people in the same room.

We congratulate the panel of experts for their excellent choice!

2. Tradeshow

'Volume is King' our test panel must have thought, because at this second event type (24%) it gets even busier. Tradeshows finish second in our poll on Linkedin, and the high ROI of such a show has everything to do with that. After all, you can compare different systems and providers in one location, and they also immediately show their strongest side with the latest innovations.

Admittedly, the days at trade fairs are long, but you learn a lot. Just think of the various Tech Talks and guided tours of impressive live demos. Not to mention the countless brochures and papers that make the drive home more enjoyable.

A final benefit of trade shows is that you always bump into old acquaintances, and it's the excellent opportunity to get to know like-minded people.

3. Private demo

In third place is the private demo. 16% of voters prefer the hands-on experience of this customized conversation. This is the perfect place to have an in-depth discussion about processes, automation, profitability and performance.

During a private demo, the technical feasibility of a project quickly becomes clear, and both parties go home with detailed insights. For 16% of our respondents, this is the perfect way to learn about CNC solutions and their potential.

4. Workshop

Last place is for workshops with 12% of the vote. Sharing practical knowledge in group does not appear to be the most enjoyable way for most CNC experts to discover the possibilities of the industry.

That’s a pity, because the reactions we get after our workshops are always laudatory. But perhaps the threshold is still too high for many at this moment.

Thanks to everyone who voted!

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Already published in this series:

This is the second blog in the series Go to the Polls.

Blog 1: The most important difference between a robot and a cobot
Blog 2: This is the favorite event type from CNC experts

Blog 3: CNC-experts prefer this measuring method for their automated manufacturing process

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