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What can YOU do with 887.5 square inches?


Ryan Sarti (RoboJob USA)

Published on

Jan 1, 1970

What can you do with 887.5 square inches? That 39 x 22.5-inch rectangle might not sound like much space. The real question is, what can you do with it?

When it comes to machine-tending robots, the question becomes how many pieces can you fit in that space?

When we look at what our customers are doing with their work tables, there is nearly an infinite number of options that can be built into that space.

Even better?

When you enter the raw and finished parts dimensions, the software also diagrams the optimal layout for your parts.

So you become a parts layout genius in less than five minutes.

And you can run load the maximum number of parts for the run in less than 10 minutes and be ready to make chips. Customers tell us they love our work table flexibility and capacity because of what they can do with the work table space.

And they can quickly transition from one job to the next.

No one in the industry has more flexibility in work table space.

Take a look at what some customers are doing with their worktables.
What will you do with yours?

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