RoboJob GmbH
Welcome to Lehrensteinsfeld, Germany. Here's where the RoboJob Technology Centre is to be found.
Technology Centre
Our technology centre consists of an impressive showroom of no less than 650 m². Besides a beautiful office space, there are also meeting rooms and a Spare Part Centre. We often organise demos and workshops about CNC automation for and with our (potential) customers and partners in Germany. Everyone is welcome!
Throwback to the opening in 2020
Why Lehrensteinsfeld?

"We have been operating in Germany since 2013," says Jelle De Roovere, Managing Director of RoboJob Deutschland GmbH. "Over the years, we have built up fantastic relationships and a fantastic customer base here. With names like SCHUNK, Weber Hydraulik, Gerhard Schubert, Kocks, MK Technologies, Manfred Zaiser, etc., the German manufacturing industry is at the start of a transformation. This is by far our largest market, with more than 300 installations spread across the whole country. We want to offer our customers the best possible service, and to this end a German sales and service centre is a logical next step. With the opening of our technology centre, we now intend to do all the support of our customers in Germany from here.

Our technolgy centre also hosts our greatest showroom with most of our state-of-the-art product portfolio on display. Seeing these robots helps envision the automation dream for many cnc enthusiasts, and it has a vibrant atmosphere with the frequent visits and the interactive workshops.
One team, one mission

Our branches

View our other branches
RoboJob is also present in Belgium (HQ) and in the USA. Discover our branches here!
Plan your visit

Visit our Technology Centre in Lehrensteinsfeld and meet our robots in the flesh. Whether you're refreshing your memory on the capabilities of CNC automation, or whether this is your first encouter with industrial robots: RoboJob gladly welcomes everyone to its facilities.