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RoboJob back in action at MTMS


Industry 4.0


Steven Craenen

Published on

Feb 21, 2017

The new year is progressing rapidly. At RoboJob, the exhibition season has also already started, with participations at SEPEM Industries in France and the ‘Dreh- und Spantage’ fair in Germany. Within a few weeks RoboJob will be returning to the 'Heimat' in Brussels. Then, as usual, RoboJob will be sparing no expense at MTMS, still the largest trade fair for the manufacturing industry in Belgium.

It will already be the fourth time that RoboJob is taking part at MTMS, and in doing so, in just a few years, the market leader in CNC automation has now become a permanent fixture here. The RoboJob Turn and Mill-Assist Series are today also seen as the standard when it comes to the automation of small and medium series. And there, RoboJob is again sparing no expense in Brussels. But it also has something else in store...

Namely, that co-founder and business manager Helmut De Roovere will also be taking part in the ‘The Big Machineering Debate’. Here, fair organiser Karl D’haveloose is letting 6 CEOs talk about R&D in the Belgian engineering industry. Specifically, it’s a debate between 6 prominent business leaders about the R&D challenges that machine builders in Belgium are facing today. Apart from De Roovere, Kurt Hensen (Averna), Joris Ceyssens (IMA), Luc Clabout (Actemium), Gert Vanvuchelen (IPTE) and Jan De Bussere (ASML) are also taking part in ‘The Big Machining Debate’. Hot topics such as Industry 4.0, Big Data, IoT, cloud, self-learning, co-bots, augmented reality, data sharing and protection will be dealt with.

“Many of these issues keep our customers awake at night,” says De Roovere. “Issues like Industry 4.0 or safety sound great, but how do you specifically begin with them?’ It’s here that we assist our clients, in a very pragmatic and practical way. We look at the challenges of our customers and together, step by step, we find the right solution. We note, therefore, that very simple process changes can contribute to major improvements.”

In this debate, De Roovere will also explain how they work on R&D at RoboJob. "It almost always happens with the customer: it’s called co-creation. Every day our customers work with our robot applications and they, like no other, know what can be improved and added. Together we create, as it were, new applications and come up with new solutions. Obviously, these are put into practice by a team of engineers at RoboJob. Together we have developed a lot of modular extensions this way: each one, a piece of a puzzle that helps our clients develop their automation into a ‘customized automation.”

At MTMS, RoboJob will also present these pieces of the puzzle: the Turn-Assist 250 and the Mill-Assist Essential.

MTMS is taking place in Palace 5 of Brussels Expo (Heizel) from 22 to 24 March 2017. The fair is open on Wednesday and Thursday from 11 to 20 hrs, and on Friday from 11 to 17 hrs. You will find RoboJob on Stand C31. ‘The Big Machineering Debate’ is taking place on Wednesday, 23 March 2017 at 17 hrs

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